Wayne Ngan Studio Hornby Island - Online Shop

Wayne Ngan Studio Online Shop

Wayne's online shop is updated on a semi-regular basis for those who are unable to make it to the studio shop on Hornby Island. Here you'll find a selection of smaller and shippable works.

Wayne Ngan Studio: Barrel Opening Sale 2022

About the barrels

About 10 years ago, Wayne packed seven barrels of pottery for an exhibition overseas. For reasons unknown, he decided not to send them. Since then, they have sat untouched in his studio. After Wayne passed away in 2020, his daughters Goya and Gailan left the barrels as-is while they dealt with a myriad of tasks related to Wayne’s estate and property, since the barrels were well packed and the pottery remained safe. 

Having done much work to organize Wayne’s archive and catalogue of works over the last few years, this spring felt like a good time to open the first two barrels. On May 6 2023, we unpacked barrels #3 and #6 in Wayne’s garden. It felt a little bit like a kiln opening, albeit years after the artist had passed. On the occasion of Wayne’s birthday, May 19th, we are pleased to offer many of the works from these barrels for sale. We were expecting many similar small works… but instead we found surprise after surprise packed up in the newspaper! 

The remainder of the barrels will be left in storage for now, to open at intervals over the next few years.